Register Franchise Profile

Your Profile Status

  • 1Providing Details
  • 2Verifying
  • 3Approved

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who can create a Member Profile?

    Your contact details and name are not publicly disclosed. It is only when you connect with a business that the business representative will be able to view your contact details.
  • I don’t want to reveal my company name / employment details on INMERGER. How do I proceed?

    Your contact details and name are not publicly disclosed. It is only when you connect with a business that the business representative will be able to view your contact details.
  • Who gets to see my name and contact details?

    Your contact details and name are not publicly disclosed. It is only when you connect with a business that the business representative will be able to view your contact details.
  • How can I be sure about privacy and confidentiality?

    Your contact details and name are not publicly disclosed. It is only when you connect with a business that the business representative will be able to view your contact details.
  • Why should I provide an investment range? It depends on the business.

    Your contact details and name are not publicly disclosed. It is only when you connect with a business that the business representative will be able to view your contact details.